We are Lenka and Jan, globetrotters from the Czech Republic. We create original sand jewellery with natural materials what we have collected on our journeys.

After 12 years of dating and traveling, we got married in September 2020. The next year our daughter Evelina was born. Our younger daughter Laura was born only 369 days after her sister. We had to slow down a bit, but we love it. Our business became a true family business. And we start to travel again. With eyes of our daughters.
We are collecting sand for years, until 2015 it was only for decorating purposes. We wrote about this here. In 2015, when we have been in Panamá, we got the idea of sand jewellery. We have been working with similar jewellery technique for years. In Isla Coiba came the idea of filling the jewellery with sand. The first jewellery we gave to our friends instead of souvenirs. And it was a success.
From August 2016 – August 2017 we took a gap year and travelled around the world. We have collected more than 150 kinds of sand, shells or dirt. We use only sand we have collected and from the places, we have visited.
After the year-long-round-the-world adventure, we decided to not return to our old jobs. We want to try to build our brand called Couple of Sand. This project could be the perfect combination of work and travel, we both dreamed about. You can follow our journey here:


Lenka was born in 1988. She worked 10 years in theatre as a production and dramaturge. Every money she ever made she spent on traveling. She loves food and her favorite countries out of 50+ visited are Mexico, Malaysia, and Greece. She likes the most the black sand from the Balinese beach Amed.

Jan was born in 1986 as Tiger in Chinese Zodiac. He speaks five languages, studied french and worked as IT support. He loves Lenka since 2008 and travels the world with her. If you say code BAYERN MUNICH at the market, you will get 10% off. Go Bayern!